Utility task vehicles (UTVs) are often referred to as a side-by-side, a ROV (recreational off-highway vehicle) or a MOHUV (multipurpose off-highway utility vehicle). Acronyms aside, Utility task vehicles (UTVs) for sale in British Columbia are used for a variety of tasks or just used recreationally. They are a compact and versatile vehicle that can operate in rough terrain, carry a payload and transport passengers safely.

Differences between an ATV and UTV

All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility task vehicles (UTVs) often get thrown in the same category, as they are both off-road vehicles. There are some fundamental differences, including:

  • UTVs are wider allowing two people to sit side-by-side (or more passengers in the rear depending on the model)
  • UTVs are also longer and generally have a higher payload than an ATV. Most ATVs can carry between to 200 lbs of cargo, whereas a UTV can carry over 1000 lbs of cargo (over and above the weight of the operator/passengers)
  • Many UTVs have seatbelts and roll-over protection – most ATVs do not

UTVs are designed to go where a truck or other traditional road vehicle can't operate effectively. Many farming operations, rural mining and large construction operations benefit from a compact vehicle able to take on rough and muddy terrain.

If you are looking for the best utility task vehicles (UTVs) for sale in British Columbia, we encourage you to take a look at the Mahindra Line of Utility Task Vehicles.

Mahindra manufactures the Retriever and mPACT XTV series of side-by-sides, both series comes in a variety of sizes depending on your application.

The Retriever Series comes in Standard or Crew models allowing you to carry 3 or 6 passengers respectively. Also the Retriever Longbed Series is a workhorse that offers 34 cubic feet of cargo space to hold up to 1200 lbs of cargo. Electric powered box lift come standard in any model.

The mPACT XTV Series also come in Standard or Crew sizes depending on the number of passengers you want to carry. In addition the standard XTV series features up to 12“of ground clearance and up to 2100 lb of towing capacity.

If you are looking for utility task vehicles (UTVs) for sale in British Columbia, stop by Handlers Equipment to test out the latest Mahindra models!