Whether you have an established agriculture operation, or just purchased some property and are looking for some extra muscle around the house, buying a tractor can seem overwhelming with the many options available to you. Whether it’s your first tractor, or the first tractor you are buying in years, here are some great questions to ask when buying a tractor in BC.

What tasks should your tractor perform?

Perhaps the most important question to ask, what are you looking to do with your tractor and how can it make your life easier on the farm? Here are a few tasks to consider:

  • Grading
  • Lifting
  • Towing
  • Plowing
  • Other earth-moving tasks

What kind of property do I have?

Examine the terrain on your property. Is it flat, bumpy, lots of steep grades? Also, how large is your property, do you need a machine that can cover large distances quickly or are you more interested in moving heavy objects over short distances. The terrain will also help determine the tire tread required. Industrial tires have more versatility, but turf tires are also much easier on grass and other sensitive terrain.

How much horsepower do I need?

This question can be tough to answer, and we recommend speaking to the product experts at Handlers Equipment to determine the right size tractor for you. Horsepower will determine the bucket size and lifting capacity, not to mention speed and towing capacity.

What service options and after-market care come with the tractor?

This is a great question to ask and is often the difference maker in any tractor buying decision. Tractors need to be serviced regularly and for those without the time or expertise to complete the task, having a local service center with mobile mechanics is essential to any equipment dealership. Warranty is also a big factor in your buying decision, how long are the major powertrain components covered for?

Handlers Equipment is proud to sell and service Mahindra Tractors for several reasons. The number one selling tractor in the world comes with an unprecedented 7-year powertrain warranty. This is a result of how durable and dependable these tractors are for large operations and small hobby farms. There are many questions to ask when buying a tractor in BC, but none more important than what is the best value for the price I am paying?

We encourage you to contact the tractor experts at Handlers Equipment today to learn more about Mahindra and why it consistently out-performs every other tractor brand.